
New planning application for 14 Luxury Apartments, Tremorvah, Truro

Lilly Lewarne are excited to have submitted our planning application for 14 new high quality apartments at Tremorvah in Truro, for Cornubia Investments Ltd. The scheme provides a crisply modern design, with all of the proposed apartments enjoying basement parking, dual aspect views and plentiful external space

2020-09-24T12:58:39+00:00July 2nd, 2015|Categories: General|

Lilly Lewarne accepted onto Devon & Cornwall Housing Framework

Lilly Lewarne are pleased to announce that we have been accepted onto the Devon & Cornwall Housing Framework after a 12 month PQQ/ITT and interview process. This means that we are one of a short list of architects that can be considered lead designer for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Housing. As a firm based in Truro we will be proud to support affordable housing in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly.

2020-09-24T11:26:12+00:00May 21st, 2015|Categories: General|

Planning Approval for new dwelling in Newquay

Lilly Lewarne are pleased to announce that we have secured planning approval for a new contemporary dwelling in Newquay overlooking the Gannel. This new design now supercedes a design LLA had previously achieved planning for back in 2012. After an intricate design process developed with the clients the new design sits neatly into the slope whilst allowing panoramic views to the South. See more images here

2021-07-21T10:36:27+00:00February 24th, 2015|Categories: General|

Headland Hotel wins Commendation from Cornish Buildings Group

Our work regarding the recent conversion and extension of the ground floor of the Headland Hotel has earned Lilly Lewarne a commendation from the Cornish Buildings Group. The Headland Hotel in Newquay now boasts a contemporary luxury Spa treatment centre along with modernised pool complex as seen on our project pages here.

2021-07-21T10:34:17+00:00July 28th, 2014|Categories: General|