
Planning Approval for new dwelling in Newquay

Lilly Lewarne are pleased to announce that we have secured planning approval for a new contemporary dwelling in Newquay overlooking the Gannel. This new design now supercedes a design LLA had previously achieved planning for back in 2012. After an intricate design process developed with the clients the new design sits neatly into the slope whilst allowing panoramic views to the South. See more images here

2021-07-21T10:36:27+00:00February 24th, 2015|Categories: General|

Headland Hotel wins Commendation from Cornish Buildings Group

Our work regarding the recent conversion and extension of the ground floor of the Headland Hotel has earned Lilly Lewarne a commendation from the Cornish Buildings Group. The Headland Hotel in Newquay now boasts a contemporary luxury Spa treatment centre along with modernised pool complex as seen on our project pages here.

2021-07-21T10:34:17+00:00July 28th, 2014|Categories: General|

LLA are now accredited Agents for submitting Planning Applications

Neil Dolley at the practice worked tirelessly at the end of last year to organise and co-ordinate householder planning applications to Cornwall Council in order to apply for a new fast-tracking system they were offering. But his efforts were not in vain as Lilly Lewarne Architects have now achieved Accredited Agents Status for submitting householder applications. This basically means that all householder applications sent from the practice will now be fast-tracked through validation and registration with minimal checks.

2020-09-24T12:48:34+00:00February 25th, 2014|Categories: General|